Morally Sound Marketing

Marketing departments can have a such a huge impact to how the general public views a product or company. In the words of Uncle Ben,


Understanding this power is important for any one entering into the Marketing world. You hold the power to influence so much, use it wisely. Every human should strive to be ethical and morally sound even and I believe AMA’s ethical standards are a good frame work.

  • Honesty
    • Giving the consumer accurate information about a product and/or service
  • Responsibility
    • Taking ownership for your marketing claims about a product and/or service
  • Fairness
    • Represent the product and/or service clearly while marketing or advertising it
  • Respect
    • Putting value in individuals differences and avoid stereotyping customers or depicting demographic groups (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation) in a negative or dehumanizing way.
  • Transparency
    • Strive to communicate clearly to consumers
  • Citizenship
    • Strive to protect the ecological environment in the execution of marketing campaigns and give back to communities

In our turbulent political and social climate, it is easy for marketing agencies to stereotype consumers such as dividing their demographic into 2 group. Our population is so diverse and it can’t so easily divided and when marketing agents do that –  they will not be effective. It good to understand subgroups within demographic groups and when you are able to market on a micro-level your campaign will that much more successful.

Following your moral “gut” is the first and foremost goal you should follow in the marketing. Marketing has such a pull on our lives with us being marketed to every second of the day.

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